growing ambitions
Story by Arubazu, enjoy!
“Bye mom ,Bye dad” said a little boy as he waved good bye to his parents, they had been nagging on and on for a while in terms of their numbers, reasons to call them and the whole 9 yards as they had to leave for a business trip. Next to him was his babysitter a teen, male, here for an extra buck in his pocket but nonetheless one of the neighbours he knew. The little boy turned to the teen with a smile and the teen turned to him in kind as they watched the parents drive off towards the airport. “Alright… now that they’re gone, time for some weekend intrigue.”, the teen says as he and the boy walk back into the house. Since the parents would be gone for the full weekend and a few days after, the two had the whole house to themselves and with it being the summer time, there’s not even a wink of school to worry about. “Hey! Hey! I wanna watch some cartoons!”, the boy excitedly shouted bouncing up and down infront of the teen. “Hehe… go ahead…”, the teen responded a bit put off by the boys energy but nonetheless watching as he rushes to the living room widescreen and turns it on to some superhero cartoons.
The boys eye’s positively sparkle in delight as he watches his favorite super heroes stop the bad guys with all their cool gadgets and super powers but oddly enough the thing that caught his eye the most was the super heroes muscles. The teen watching from a distance could see as the boy flexed his… sticks of arms really imitating the heroic poses they were doing and flexing as if he was strong enough to threaten someone with them. A cute behavior really if it wasn't for the juxtaposition of the fact this was a little kid with the frame of someone who was extremely thin too.
After 2 hours of cartoons later he can see the boy rush out of the room an into one of the backrooms down the hall. There the two found a in home gym worthy of most praise filled with a lot of dumbbells and barbells. Weightlifting and strength training equipment of all kinds which made sense, the teen could tell his father was pretty jacked so all this was probably the boy’s fathers training equipment. The boy smiles as he rushed forward and picks up one of the heavier dumbbells, to heavy for him to lift as it drags him down to the floor. “Oof… u-uh…help...?!”, the boy shouts as he is a little stuck at the moment. The teen steps forward to help him: “oof… why did you have to pick up the heaviest?”, the teen groans as he struggles to pick it up himself... he wasn't a jock like in his school but at least he could lift it up due to his age. Managing to put back the weight the two pant a bit out of the miniature workout that ensued. “hey… why not start with these?”, The teen said handing the boy smaller weights. He looked at them and smiled... pumping that small iron a few times and smiling. “Hehe... soon I’ll be like the super heroes!”, the boy said as he kept on pumping again and again. “Yeah, sure...”, the teen replied, he didn't believe him for it would take years of exercise and weightlifitng to even come close to what he’s imagining. But a boy can dream and the teen wasn't one to crush said dreams, he left the boy up to it unaware of what he just sparked.
This boy had special sleeping genes and it was the turning point were his body would awaken them, all it needed was that tipping point over the edge to unlock em. A combination of his body and working out along with the teens slight praise, a lock in his body had been broken and the flood gates were now open as a multitude of hormones filled his body as he began to pump iron more seriously than before, compared to the more playful sessions with his father. However it wouldn't be immediate, after another few hours the teen came in to check on the boy he been in this backroom all afternoon and he comes to find him still lifting weights altho to his surprise it was the one they were attempting to lift before. He steps up before the boy and he’s in a trance his body the same but his mind was almost gone.
“H-hey!!! You okay?!”, the teen shouted startling the boy into dropping the weight, almost as though he just felt its actual weight. Lucky for the both of them it missed his foot and the teens but still was a close shave. The boy was sweaty all over. “Hehe... yeah... I just felt… good…like I was achieving my dream...”, the boy said. “U-uh... yeah it really looked like you were getting there too... sorry about that...”, the teen apologizes putting a smile on the boys face before a resounding rumble broke the moment. “A-ah… well that was the reason I came to get you, to check if you were hungry… and I will take that monster roar as a yes.”, the teen chides as the boy gets sheepish and embarrassed. The boy nods and the two leave the backroom to go into the kitchen, making snacks for the two of them the teen watched as the boy consumes alot more than he expected. “Thats weird…”, he thought. As he turns to look out the nearby window seeing the sun set over the horizon. The teen turns back to the boy as he finishes his twelfth sandwich with sleepy eye’s. “Alright time for bed... you look tired, especially after all that working out, you need to rest so your body can grow.”, the teen adds exciting the boy into wanting to go to sleep. “A-ahh cool does that mean my gains will show up tomorrow?”, the boy asks. “Uuh… sure… possibly...”, the teen answers dancing around the true answer not to crush the boys hopes and dreams once again. After a quick bout up the stairs comes washing up for the night, the teen takes off the boys clothes to get ready for him in the shower noticing slight hints of musculature on him. “Hmm… that's weird…”, the teen thinks again. He see’s those hints of pecs, those faint outlines of abs on the boys stomach. His body was positively brimming with unseen muscle that if he paid attention for longer would notice that they weren't there before. However he shrugs it off thinking it's a trick of the lights. The boy puts on his pajama with his favorite superhero logo on it and as the teen begins to tuck the boy in bed. He sighs pondering over the time frame he’d be alone with the kid over the night but took to going to the guest room so he could slumber himself...
However that was the finally piece of the chain that needed to be broken, as the boys body began to change and grow. The peaceful slumbers change into light moans as the boys body expands. His little T-Shirt ripping down the middle as his growing pec's widen and swell forth becoming intense slabs of powerful muscle. His shoulder broaden exasperating that torn collar of his shirt as the shrips of the shirt follow down to his biceps. Bulging massively already like watermelons as he gives a sleeping flex as if he knows what is happening. The boys moans louder as his stomach contorts and pops in ab after ab, row after row till he gets an amazing 10 count beyond all his hopes and dreams. His legs bulge and swell as he groans and moves his muscles expanding forcing his little legs apart growing wider like tree trunks rippling with muscle and powerful calves down below. The boys growing body manages to kick off his bed sheets and all that remained was his tight, tightie whites but soon a new beast came stirring beneath as his cock twitches and swells. Balls pulsing bigger and bigger as they filled with cum, cock throbbing harder as it expanded and grew till finally it broke free. His hot rod throbbing in the air and a satisfying moan cam from the boy as his balls churned and pushed forward his first load as the climax peaked, cum shooting out of his erect cock and falling back upon his chiseled body beyond anything a bodybuilder could hope for on such a small package. He lets out a satisfied sigh as if he was content with it all now unaware of the shock he would be in come morning.
The next morning the teen was cooking breakfast for the two of them, heavy footsteps came down the hall which wasn't normal or what the teen expected. “Uh... I feel heavy… and good...”, the boys voice said and the teen turned in shock to see the boys body bulging with muscle. His jump almost causing him to drop the frying pan and the food on the floor but had just enough composure to not do so. The boy moans as cum just oozes out of his soft cock onto the floor. “Mhmm feels so good... thats the third time I did that...”, the boy says with a soft moan, the teen worrying about the boys room situation. The teen puts the food down on the table, takes in a deep breath, and simply stares before feeling up the boy. “A-ah... feeling up these bad boys...”, the boy said showing how he was aware of the changes. “I woke up and like you said I grew...” the boy says moaning as the teens touch felt intoxicating on his muscles. The boy began to inch up a bit muscles bulging even bigger as he gained an inch or two in height to make more room for the sheer muscle he gained. The teen thought he could put any athlete on earth to shame especially with how young he was. “Uh... yeah… you really did grow...”, the teen said his shock still apparent as the new reality before him was settling in. Whatever the teen gotten himself into, it was big and staring at him with a goofy little grin with half lidded eyes. Moaning before him once more as he came again with his cock slowly getting erect. “So… think I can be the strongest super hero?”, the boy asks with a smile. The teen gulps as he couldn't lie, “Super hero might not even begin to cut what you are now.”

“Bye mom ,Bye dad” said a little boy as he waved good bye to his parents, they had been nagging on and on for a while in terms of their numbers, reasons to call them and the whole 9 yards as they had to leave for a business trip. Next to him was his babysitter a teen, male, here for an extra buck in his pocket but nonetheless one of the neighbours he knew. The little boy turned to the teen with a smile and the teen turned to him in kind as they watched the parents drive off towards the airport. “Alright… now that they’re gone, time for some weekend intrigue.”, the teen says as he and the boy walk back into the house. Since the parents would be gone for the full weekend and a few days after, the two had the whole house to themselves and with it being the summer time, there’s not even a wink of school to worry about. “Hey! Hey! I wanna watch some cartoons!”, the boy excitedly shouted bouncing up and down infront of the teen. “Hehe… go ahead…”, the teen responded a bit put off by the boys energy but nonetheless watching as he rushes to the living room widescreen and turns it on to some superhero cartoons.
The boys eye’s positively sparkle in delight as he watches his favorite super heroes stop the bad guys with all their cool gadgets and super powers but oddly enough the thing that caught his eye the most was the super heroes muscles. The teen watching from a distance could see as the boy flexed his… sticks of arms really imitating the heroic poses they were doing and flexing as if he was strong enough to threaten someone with them. A cute behavior really if it wasn't for the juxtaposition of the fact this was a little kid with the frame of someone who was extremely thin too.
After 2 hours of cartoons later he can see the boy rush out of the room an into one of the backrooms down the hall. There the two found a in home gym worthy of most praise filled with a lot of dumbbells and barbells. Weightlifting and strength training equipment of all kinds which made sense, the teen could tell his father was pretty jacked so all this was probably the boy’s fathers training equipment. The boy smiles as he rushed forward and picks up one of the heavier dumbbells, to heavy for him to lift as it drags him down to the floor. “Oof… u-uh…help...?!”, the boy shouts as he is a little stuck at the moment. The teen steps forward to help him: “oof… why did you have to pick up the heaviest?”, the teen groans as he struggles to pick it up himself... he wasn't a jock like in his school but at least he could lift it up due to his age. Managing to put back the weight the two pant a bit out of the miniature workout that ensued. “hey… why not start with these?”, The teen said handing the boy smaller weights. He looked at them and smiled... pumping that small iron a few times and smiling. “Hehe... soon I’ll be like the super heroes!”, the boy said as he kept on pumping again and again. “Yeah, sure...”, the teen replied, he didn't believe him for it would take years of exercise and weightlifitng to even come close to what he’s imagining. But a boy can dream and the teen wasn't one to crush said dreams, he left the boy up to it unaware of what he just sparked.
This boy had special sleeping genes and it was the turning point were his body would awaken them, all it needed was that tipping point over the edge to unlock em. A combination of his body and working out along with the teens slight praise, a lock in his body had been broken and the flood gates were now open as a multitude of hormones filled his body as he began to pump iron more seriously than before, compared to the more playful sessions with his father. However it wouldn't be immediate, after another few hours the teen came in to check on the boy he been in this backroom all afternoon and he comes to find him still lifting weights altho to his surprise it was the one they were attempting to lift before. He steps up before the boy and he’s in a trance his body the same but his mind was almost gone.
“H-hey!!! You okay?!”, the teen shouted startling the boy into dropping the weight, almost as though he just felt its actual weight. Lucky for the both of them it missed his foot and the teens but still was a close shave. The boy was sweaty all over. “Hehe... yeah... I just felt… good…like I was achieving my dream...”, the boy said. “U-uh... yeah it really looked like you were getting there too... sorry about that...”, the teen apologizes putting a smile on the boys face before a resounding rumble broke the moment. “A-ah… well that was the reason I came to get you, to check if you were hungry… and I will take that monster roar as a yes.”, the teen chides as the boy gets sheepish and embarrassed. The boy nods and the two leave the backroom to go into the kitchen, making snacks for the two of them the teen watched as the boy consumes alot more than he expected. “Thats weird…”, he thought. As he turns to look out the nearby window seeing the sun set over the horizon. The teen turns back to the boy as he finishes his twelfth sandwich with sleepy eye’s. “Alright time for bed... you look tired, especially after all that working out, you need to rest so your body can grow.”, the teen adds exciting the boy into wanting to go to sleep. “A-ahh cool does that mean my gains will show up tomorrow?”, the boy asks. “Uuh… sure… possibly...”, the teen answers dancing around the true answer not to crush the boys hopes and dreams once again. After a quick bout up the stairs comes washing up for the night, the teen takes off the boys clothes to get ready for him in the shower noticing slight hints of musculature on him. “Hmm… that's weird…”, the teen thinks again. He see’s those hints of pecs, those faint outlines of abs on the boys stomach. His body was positively brimming with unseen muscle that if he paid attention for longer would notice that they weren't there before. However he shrugs it off thinking it's a trick of the lights. The boy puts on his pajama with his favorite superhero logo on it and as the teen begins to tuck the boy in bed. He sighs pondering over the time frame he’d be alone with the kid over the night but took to going to the guest room so he could slumber himself...
However that was the finally piece of the chain that needed to be broken, as the boys body began to change and grow. The peaceful slumbers change into light moans as the boys body expands. His little T-Shirt ripping down the middle as his growing pec's widen and swell forth becoming intense slabs of powerful muscle. His shoulder broaden exasperating that torn collar of his shirt as the shrips of the shirt follow down to his biceps. Bulging massively already like watermelons as he gives a sleeping flex as if he knows what is happening. The boys moans louder as his stomach contorts and pops in ab after ab, row after row till he gets an amazing 10 count beyond all his hopes and dreams. His legs bulge and swell as he groans and moves his muscles expanding forcing his little legs apart growing wider like tree trunks rippling with muscle and powerful calves down below. The boys growing body manages to kick off his bed sheets and all that remained was his tight, tightie whites but soon a new beast came stirring beneath as his cock twitches and swells. Balls pulsing bigger and bigger as they filled with cum, cock throbbing harder as it expanded and grew till finally it broke free. His hot rod throbbing in the air and a satisfying moan cam from the boy as his balls churned and pushed forward his first load as the climax peaked, cum shooting out of his erect cock and falling back upon his chiseled body beyond anything a bodybuilder could hope for on such a small package. He lets out a satisfied sigh as if he was content with it all now unaware of the shock he would be in come morning.
The next morning the teen was cooking breakfast for the two of them, heavy footsteps came down the hall which wasn't normal or what the teen expected. “Uh... I feel heavy… and good...”, the boys voice said and the teen turned in shock to see the boys body bulging with muscle. His jump almost causing him to drop the frying pan and the food on the floor but had just enough composure to not do so. The boy moans as cum just oozes out of his soft cock onto the floor. “Mhmm feels so good... thats the third time I did that...”, the boy says with a soft moan, the teen worrying about the boys room situation. The teen puts the food down on the table, takes in a deep breath, and simply stares before feeling up the boy. “A-ah... feeling up these bad boys...”, the boy said showing how he was aware of the changes. “I woke up and like you said I grew...” the boy says moaning as the teens touch felt intoxicating on his muscles. The boy began to inch up a bit muscles bulging even bigger as he gained an inch or two in height to make more room for the sheer muscle he gained. The teen thought he could put any athlete on earth to shame especially with how young he was. “Uh... yeah… you really did grow...”, the teen said his shock still apparent as the new reality before him was settling in. Whatever the teen gotten himself into, it was big and staring at him with a goofy little grin with half lidded eyes. Moaning before him once more as he came again with his cock slowly getting erect. “So… think I can be the strongest super hero?”, the boy asks with a smile. The teen gulps as he couldn't lie, “Super hero might not even begin to cut what you are now.”

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