Killian, the new batting Ace
Story by Arubazu, enjoy!
Drawing Variations can be found here:
It was another Saturday at baseball practice and a bunch of the boys were practicing pitch, batting and some sprints as the season was a month or two away from starting. However that did not include all the boys, as sat on the bench sat one particular boy, a red baseball cap adorned his head and he sighed in discontent. The coach benched him for he wasn't all that good at any of the task.
“Killian!!! Go get the balls!”, the coach shouted. His assist, his son, flinching being so close as he watched the boy on the bench perk up only a slight bit to be helpful. He was so kind-hearted as he rushed around the field as best he could bag in tow, collected a bunch of balls, and rushed his way back to the batters. They gave him a nod in appreciation, the coach sneered as he nudged his head back to the bench where Kilian walked back shoulders slouched in disappointment. “You should really give him a chance, if you train him up he could be the star like all the others...”, the son said to his coaching father who didn't give him a sideward glance. His focus was glued on the field and for a moment it felt like the coaching father didn't give his son the time of day.
The teen let out a huff before an answer soon followed: “Why would I give him the time of day? He’s terrible at everything compared to all the others.”, The coach spoke in his gruff tone, hand running over his beard as looks over a few pitchers who were doing well. “Actually that's untrue, I've been giving him some practice on the side and he’s a pretty good pitcher in accuracy... if the person is close enough…”, the son trailed off not selling Killian’s good pointers all too well. He was right though so long as the person was a foot or 3 in front of him he could throw with good accuracy. He just lacked the strength to go any further than that. The coach however gave him a sideward glare: “All he’s good at is running, he can't hit hard, he can't pitch far or that well...”, the coach speaks out: “...his one strong suite is running and even then it's only in very short controlled burst. Being on the bench and being our ball boy is about the only thing he’s good at.”, the Coach groans out slapping his hand over his head as he saw one of the boy pitchers mess up.
“ANDY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?”, he shouts out angrily as he goes to help the boy adjust. Leaving the teen alone for a moment, he turns back to see Killian kicking his feet on the bench, tucked into his shoulders because he was probably close enough to hear everything and he sighs a sad sigh. The coach returns.
“What if I train up Killian to really be a star player… then would he be the ace of the team?”, the teen spoke turning to the Coach with a snarky challenging smile. “If you can somehow, magically or mythically make him a better player he can be the star player… but if you give him false hope or steer him wrong… you're going to be secondary ball boy with him.”, the coach points at his son with a waggle of the finger.
Father and son glare at each other before nodding as soon as practice was over two as the boys get picked up by their family alike. The teen rushes up to Killian, sitting on the bench with a frown as he grabs his bag and gets ready to go but is stopped by the assistant coach: “Hey Killian, uh... listen I just got permission from my dad, the coach, to train you to really be a star...”, the teen said to Killian who he can see a smile spread across his face. “W-what really?”, Killian smiled dropping his bag at his side in disbelief as he hopped in excitement. “Wow wow slow down... I just need your dad to let me show you a place nearby, when you get home can you talk about it during dinner?”, the assistant coach asked and to see Killian nod so eagerly he smiled handing him a note with his phone number and soon Killian’s dad came to pick him up from the baseball practice and the two waved each other a short goodbye. “If your dad agrees, I will see you later tonight okay?”, the assistant coach tells Killian to which he nods and rushes off to go home.
There by dinner time Killian’s dad asks about practice as he usually does: “How was practice, son?”, Killian’s dad asks. “It… was more or less the same... but, hey dad! Guess what? The assistant coach asked me to do some special training!!! he says it would help me become the star player!!!”, Killian says eagerly bubbling with happiness in his seat that his father barely had time to really say no. “W-well... sure... I-I suppose that sounds very nice.”, Killian’s dad says with a slight chuckle. “I wanna do it but he wants you to call him to confirm it to be okay with you?“, Killian adds, digging into his pocket to take out the paper with the phone number and handing it to his dad.
The father scratches his head and takes a moment to make the call, with a few 'yes’s' and 'mhm’s' from the other room. The father returns to the kitchen table and gives his son the news: “The assistant coach is on his way over and... I have agreed to his proposition, but he says the training will be hard so if you need to give it up at any time...“, the father adds worrying about something that might hurt his son but to his surprise Killian is fired up to go.
It was not but 30 minutes after dinner that the doorbell run and Killian opens the door to the assistant coach. The teen smiling and giving the boy a wave. “Alright ready to go, hope you brought some workout clothes with you because we’re going to hit the gym.”, the assistant coach said remarking the location they’d be heading to. It was a short ride from Killian's house to the gym but it was better than walking on the first day, especially since he had to show the boy the location. Inside was the filled with the sound of clanging metal of barbels, dumbbells and other workout equipment.
The two walked to a spot that was good and empty so they can discuss the plan of action first: “Now first and foremost you need to work on this.”, the assistant coach holds up Killian's arm and feels his small arms. “Your strength is lacking significantly so you need to work hard to get that up first and foremost and once that happens, you’d be the ace star for sure.”, the assistant coach adds. Killian gets fired up and picks up some weights but they are unfortunately too heavy for him and he drops down to the floor with a painful plop. “O-ow!…”, the boy remarks having fallen so quickly. “N-not like that!”, the teen shouts, afraid Killian got hurt but the boy was fine. The assistant coach quickly showed Killian pointers and have him notes on which workout equipment he should work on, how much he should do and for how long to maximize his efforts. The first day left the boy completely exhausted but he spent the full day working towards Killian's dream but nevertheless it was something worth working towards for the boy and for the assistant coach it was an opportunity to prove that old geezer what for as well. Killian was dropped off at his home where the two waved goodbye to each other and he gave Killian a notebook of notes for his training regimen: “I will meet you by the end of the week to see your progress since I can't be there but I hope you stick to it for your dream!”
After the two separated that night came the next morning and Killian woke up feeling a bit sore and in his pajama’s. He remembered what the teen said that night and checked the binder for his work out regime before catching himself in the mirror. “W-wooah….”, Killian couldn't believe his eyes as his scrawny self-filled out a bit. Nothing to turn heads at for sure but he saw that there was a bit of fitness and tonnage to his body now that wasn't there yesterday. “I-it works…”, Killian said in shock flexing his small bicep, bigger than the pea it was but still pencil thin at best. He smiles at his gains as he gets ready to work out again that day, his father having just cooked breakfast have a short chat before the boy is already raring to go and leaving paying close attention to the regiment as he works out heartily that day as well. Followed by walking home surprised after how tired he gotten he recovered quite quickly, even dashing through the door being ready for dinner. His father was surprised as he returned but nonetheless had dinner on the table and the two chatted after that but the father was beginning to notice how much stronger Killian was looking and even gave him a slight compliment. Killian flexing his father showing off his small gains not being impressed but he was already at a stage where it was noticeable but clothes still loose. “Ehh... not yet...”, Killian said not feeling like he’s there just yet. His father blinking in surprise but nodded encouraging his son to keep going. As the boy rests for the night, the next morning brought his gains to fruition.
He smiles flexing his small ball-sized biceps and lite pecs. Small yet noticeable compared to yesterday with a nice 4-pack on his stomach. Legs looking quite stronger too as well with the slight hints of his bulge getting bigger underneath his boxers. He smiles: “Just you wait coach... I’ll make you proud!...”, Killian smiles, finding his normal workout clothes have gotten tighter he shrugs it off as proof of his efforts and does his usual routine. His father was surprised by his sons growth overnight this time, dropping his spoon but proceeding to not bring it up as he watches his son eat a lot. “Energy for the workout today.”, Killian says as he gets ready to take off. Another harsh workout ensued and he found that the weights didn't match up half way. Sending a message to the assistant coach asking if the weights were to light but the coach just sent back a message saying 'if they are to light than double the number so that they match up'. Killian did so and found the newfound weights more worth his effort as he continued his exercises all around for the full day.
Once again he gained some fitness as his pec’s jutted out even further after the workout. Biceps like baseballs by now round and supple with now a full-on 6-pack to boot. His shirt laid skin tight on him as it showed every muscle, some gym goers giving the boy a double take for being here for only two days and already looking this good. His legs were supple and rippled with muscle as his calves rounded out with the little added bonus of his bulge getting a bit bigger too. He smiles as he heads home once more and sees his dad surprised once more but waves it off as saying he’s only at the halfway point of his training. His dad nearly fainted at the prospect but nonetheless still gave his son his encouragement, wondering how big he’ll get next morning.
He woke up in the shreds of his clothing, as his biceps peaked into softball sized, his pecs jutting out enough to cover his vision and down below being the powerful slabs of meat and muscle they were. Not wanting to miss out on what was down below he looked at himself in the mirror to see he had a stunning 8-pack by now. Only thing left was his boxers that still covered his growing bulge the size of a small gourd packed in such a tight arrangement. Lower still came his powerful legs, like sculpted rock and pillars holding him up with his calves just beneath. “Haha yeah!!!”, Killian says with a flex before he begins to strut downstairs. His father shocked to see the answer to his question walking in. Powerfully and more playfully confident, Killian’s father stunned to awed silence just stared at his pride and joy as he happily at breakfast. “Hey dad I might need new clothes to go to the gym...”, Killian said snapping his father out of his stupor. “O-oh um… yeah I think I have something in the basement for that… Why don't you take a pair of my clothes till I find them?...“, Killian’s father offered as the boy left to go grab the garments and left to work out once more. Doubling the weights again for his powerful muscles needed that raw push before finishing up another hard day of gains.
It came time for the boy to be visited by the assistant coach and oh was he in for a treat, stopping by Killian’s house first he was surprised to see his father a bit rattled. “O-oh… you came to see my boy did you… well actually he’s um... at the gym?”, Killian’s father said with a shuttering voice. The teen looked with raised eyebrows confused but nonetheless he drove to the gym, going back to the spot where he can hear the most of the equipment moving and churning up and down.
There he is taken by surprise to see Killian muscles so big, he put the bodybuilders around him to shame. “Oh hey coach... came to see how much I can do now?”, Killian said with a smile holding the barbel with one hand. Bicep is so big he could lick it just by lifting up his arms, doing so at the moment as he licked off a bead of sweat dripping off it. Pec’s so massive they were like slabs of muscle on his chest blocking his magnificent 10-pack of abs down below. Legs like the concrete columns of muscle powerful enough to kick through pure stone, and not to mention that large gourd to stick out the front was his dick packed in his underwear. Which is to say it was all he was wearing while he was in fact working out in that time frame as he still smiled at his coach eagerly. Flexing his massive biceps at him, the assistant coach stood stunned thinking he wouldn't get this strong this soon. It was almost an impossibility but this led to him having a nice little revelation.
He was ready: “Hey Killian, you should go to practice tomorrow and show the team, I think you're ready!?”, the assistant coach said with a smile. Patting the boy on the bicep and getting near enraptured at the feel of his thick muscles, Killian smiling “Really?!?! Is this enough?”, Killian says with a smile eager to prove himself. “Y-yeah... I think you're good enough where you’re at.”, the assistant coach says with a smile as the two leave the gym.
In comes the next day of practice and all throughout the field the sounds of the team pitching to each other, running bases, and batting. The main coach looked to his teen son, “Ahh your here, how goes your progress with your little training project...?”, the coach said with a bit of a joking tone as if laughing at the assistant's work. However the teen didn't let it get to him, smiling he looked his father square in the eye: “Oh why don't you see for yourself… Killian... you’re up to bat!”, he shouted out loud towards the bleachers. Some of the boys practicing turned to see the boy rounding the corner muscles bulging and he looked happy as he jogged up to the field in nothing more than his underwear because his uniform no longer fit him. The assistant coach turned to see his father slack jawed in awe. The sounds of dropped balls and one boy getting hit by a fly ball as all eyes were on Killian this day. He smiled proudly: “I'm ready for batting practice coach!!!”, Killian shouts eager with fire in his eyes and the assistant coach points towards were the batter stands. Some of the boys moving out of the way quickly, as to not be within striking distance. The assistant coach walks over to the pitching boy to scared to throw the ball and takes his catcher’s mitt from him.
“Why don't you go stand at the sidelines for a bit?”, he tells him and the boy rushes over to the side. “All right, this is for you to be the ace of the team, give it your best shot!”, the assistant coach tells Killian eager to see what all that muscle can do. With a gentle toss of the ball easy enough for anyone on the team to hit it, the response was the sound of thunder on this clear sunny day. Everyone quickly ducked and looked to the sky before hearing the sound of dented metal and straining electronics. Turning to see the scoreboard took the hit of the ball and was all around malfunctioning. “Did I make the team coach?”, Killian’s asks with innocent eyes. The coach looked to Killian, then to his son and back and forth between the two. He was stunned and flabbergasted, he had no words before patting the boy on the shoulder. “Y-you just might be our new ace just… give me a moment...”, The coach said as he needed to take a seat after such a hefty revelation.
Killian grabs the assistant coach into a hug that made some of the kids jump but he saw that he was hugging the assistant coach in a manner that didn't hurt him. In fact it was almost a like a pillow of soft muscle in this moment as he pulled the assistant coach away and said to him. “Thanks to you I’m now actually on the team!!! Come on let's practice the day away!”, Killian said as he rushed to the field to really perfect his baseball skills. The other boys looking between themselves and at him, taking to the field as well to continue on their practice for the next few minutes before it ended soon after. After a few practice pitches the boys warmed up to Killian before it was time for them to leave.
“Hey why don't we hit the showers, I’ll take you home today anyways.”, the assistant coach told Killian who smiled and nodded in agreement. Sweat dripped down his body as he smiled happily, so content at a job well done. The locker room nearby was well kept by the school that boys went to, looking quite pristine. Killian walked in as he took off his baseball cap and underwear putting in a nearby locker revealing his parts to the assistant coach.
The teens jaw dropped looking at the sheer size of his package soft and the boy just smiled happily. That's when the teen came up with a plan putting in a side reward he’d get in motion. “Hey Killian, come over here, I wanna check out something.”, the assistant coach said as the boy began to saunter over towards the assistant coach. Their eyes met for a moment as Killian smirked again: “What is it coach?”, Killian said with a lot of vigor. “I want you to flex for me for a bit.”, the assistant coach answered and to which Killian obliged starting with a single bicep flex, the teen reaches out to touch Killian’s massively bulging muscles. Killian lets out a hushed gasp in surprise.
“Mmm yes, very firm and strong.”, the teen spoke as he felt up the whole round of the bicep and up to the forearm, rubbing and squeezing to massage the muscle, only on the surface for his intentions were more devious towards the boy as he began to worship those broad muscles. “Oh... ooh... that feels kinda good, sir.”, Killian says as he smiles. “Well a good massage after a hard days work is always good for the body!”, the assistant coach adds, he nods making Killian lift up the other bicep and with both arms raised the teen takes a moment to feel both sides equally. Killian begins getting a bit into it, flexing his biceps and unflexing them letting that muscular peak rise and fall in quick succession, chuckling as he does. “Firm, very firm... my regiment worked wonders on your body and we’ll keep at it too so, you can stay like this for the season or better yet get bigger!”, the assistant coach spoke smiling as he felt the ripple of his other forearm before moving close into the Killian’s shoulders. Feeling up the traps that bulged from both sides of his neck causing the boy to let out a satisfied groan. “With the bonus of this massage to cause some… exponential growth.”, the teen added. His hands sliding down to his bulging pecs, standing out like muscular cinderblocks on his chest. Firm to the touch yet nicely squishable with his pecs unflexed. Killian popped each one pec, one after another, causing the teen to feel the tensity and raw power, each one held individually as one grew hard as stone before the other. Killian lets out a satisfied moan, an arousing sound to enthralling to hear, as the teens pants twitch with his softie getting slightly hard, Killian’s moan also caused some visible activity down below.
The teen noticed as he watched Killian’s hard on begin to throb awake bit by bit, “O-ooh… that feels good for some reason...”, Killian says, arm behind his head flexing his bicep unintentionally. The teen smiles as his hand grazes down each of his rows of abs before touching his cock at the base, playing along with his little massage cover: “Ahh, looks like one part of you got really tense, tends to happen so I guess I will have to help out.”, the teen answers mischievously as his plan comes to fruition even more. He finds great satisfaction in grabbing his over a foot long shaft, thicker than the teens own hands so he couldn't wrap his clambering digits around the meaty dick with just one hand. “Ahh wow...”, the teen spoke in hushed amazement before taking his eyes off Killian’s cock to see him panting in delight.
“W-why do I feel… real good this time?…”, Killian asks his body quivering in euphoric delight. “It's just because you’re so tense, very tense since it must be your first time.”, the teen white lies hiding the truth in a sort of egg crumb walk way. Doing his best to not disclose the truth of the situation to the boy, he begins to slide both of his hands against Killian’s shaft. “O-ooh…”, Killian moans, body seized into a natural flex, almost as if he was naturally enticing for more without knowing and the teen was happy to oblige. His fingers dancing even up to Killian’s cock head. Feeling the pre-cum beginning to leak from the cock head as his massive balls begin to churn out and get ready to shoot his seed. “How am I doing, does my massage feel… satisfying...?”, the teen teases to Killian the boy unable to speak but frantically nods. Hungrily wanting more of this rising feeling in his cock as he begins to moan louder and louder. The teens pumps on Killian’s cock get faster and his massive shaft throbs more and more, harder and harder as the boy gets closer and closer to his brink. Cum churning in his grapefruit sized balls as they get ready to fire his climax. Muscles tensing, bulging even as he flexes more and more, cock twitching as pre-cum drips onto the locker room floor. His seed even seeping onto the fingers of the teen, acting as a lubricant so he can pump faster and faster. Harder and harder yet still it brought the boy closer and closer to that edge limit. Killian was moaning loudly at this point, body bucking and shivering with delight till he moans loudly.
“S-something… is…coming...!”, He shouts loudly as his seed bursts from the tip of his cock. Cum spewing all between the two as Killian shoots load after load of cum before it only drips out from the tip. Killian panting heavily smiling widely as he looks back at the teen: “W-wow... that massage felt amazing!...”, Killian manages to get out as sweat drips out all over him. His body exasperated from such a massive load. “Yeah… now time for a shower… think of that part of the massage as a job well done...”, the assistant coach teases as he uses his shirt to wipe the cum that got onto his face.
“Now time for a quick shower and then we can… meet up at next practice!", the assistant coach spoke. Leading the boy up into the shower: “Maybe... even more massaging while we both shower though and then we can plan for the practice next week.”, the teen says leading the excited cum covered boy over to the showers for a cleanup and another worship session, or more...
Drawing Variations can be found here:
It was another Saturday at baseball practice and a bunch of the boys were practicing pitch, batting and some sprints as the season was a month or two away from starting. However that did not include all the boys, as sat on the bench sat one particular boy, a red baseball cap adorned his head and he sighed in discontent. The coach benched him for he wasn't all that good at any of the task.
“Killian!!! Go get the balls!”, the coach shouted. His assist, his son, flinching being so close as he watched the boy on the bench perk up only a slight bit to be helpful. He was so kind-hearted as he rushed around the field as best he could bag in tow, collected a bunch of balls, and rushed his way back to the batters. They gave him a nod in appreciation, the coach sneered as he nudged his head back to the bench where Kilian walked back shoulders slouched in disappointment. “You should really give him a chance, if you train him up he could be the star like all the others...”, the son said to his coaching father who didn't give him a sideward glance. His focus was glued on the field and for a moment it felt like the coaching father didn't give his son the time of day.
The teen let out a huff before an answer soon followed: “Why would I give him the time of day? He’s terrible at everything compared to all the others.”, The coach spoke in his gruff tone, hand running over his beard as looks over a few pitchers who were doing well. “Actually that's untrue, I've been giving him some practice on the side and he’s a pretty good pitcher in accuracy... if the person is close enough…”, the son trailed off not selling Killian’s good pointers all too well. He was right though so long as the person was a foot or 3 in front of him he could throw with good accuracy. He just lacked the strength to go any further than that. The coach however gave him a sideward glare: “All he’s good at is running, he can't hit hard, he can't pitch far or that well...”, the coach speaks out: “...his one strong suite is running and even then it's only in very short controlled burst. Being on the bench and being our ball boy is about the only thing he’s good at.”, the Coach groans out slapping his hand over his head as he saw one of the boy pitchers mess up.
“ANDY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?”, he shouts out angrily as he goes to help the boy adjust. Leaving the teen alone for a moment, he turns back to see Killian kicking his feet on the bench, tucked into his shoulders because he was probably close enough to hear everything and he sighs a sad sigh. The coach returns.
“What if I train up Killian to really be a star player… then would he be the ace of the team?”, the teen spoke turning to the Coach with a snarky challenging smile. “If you can somehow, magically or mythically make him a better player he can be the star player… but if you give him false hope or steer him wrong… you're going to be secondary ball boy with him.”, the coach points at his son with a waggle of the finger.
Father and son glare at each other before nodding as soon as practice was over two as the boys get picked up by their family alike. The teen rushes up to Killian, sitting on the bench with a frown as he grabs his bag and gets ready to go but is stopped by the assistant coach: “Hey Killian, uh... listen I just got permission from my dad, the coach, to train you to really be a star...”, the teen said to Killian who he can see a smile spread across his face. “W-what really?”, Killian smiled dropping his bag at his side in disbelief as he hopped in excitement. “Wow wow slow down... I just need your dad to let me show you a place nearby, when you get home can you talk about it during dinner?”, the assistant coach asked and to see Killian nod so eagerly he smiled handing him a note with his phone number and soon Killian’s dad came to pick him up from the baseball practice and the two waved each other a short goodbye. “If your dad agrees, I will see you later tonight okay?”, the assistant coach tells Killian to which he nods and rushes off to go home.
There by dinner time Killian’s dad asks about practice as he usually does: “How was practice, son?”, Killian’s dad asks. “It… was more or less the same... but, hey dad! Guess what? The assistant coach asked me to do some special training!!! he says it would help me become the star player!!!”, Killian says eagerly bubbling with happiness in his seat that his father barely had time to really say no. “W-well... sure... I-I suppose that sounds very nice.”, Killian’s dad says with a slight chuckle. “I wanna do it but he wants you to call him to confirm it to be okay with you?“, Killian adds, digging into his pocket to take out the paper with the phone number and handing it to his dad.
The father scratches his head and takes a moment to make the call, with a few 'yes’s' and 'mhm’s' from the other room. The father returns to the kitchen table and gives his son the news: “The assistant coach is on his way over and... I have agreed to his proposition, but he says the training will be hard so if you need to give it up at any time...“, the father adds worrying about something that might hurt his son but to his surprise Killian is fired up to go.
It was not but 30 minutes after dinner that the doorbell run and Killian opens the door to the assistant coach. The teen smiling and giving the boy a wave. “Alright ready to go, hope you brought some workout clothes with you because we’re going to hit the gym.”, the assistant coach said remarking the location they’d be heading to. It was a short ride from Killian's house to the gym but it was better than walking on the first day, especially since he had to show the boy the location. Inside was the filled with the sound of clanging metal of barbels, dumbbells and other workout equipment.
The two walked to a spot that was good and empty so they can discuss the plan of action first: “Now first and foremost you need to work on this.”, the assistant coach holds up Killian's arm and feels his small arms. “Your strength is lacking significantly so you need to work hard to get that up first and foremost and once that happens, you’d be the ace star for sure.”, the assistant coach adds. Killian gets fired up and picks up some weights but they are unfortunately too heavy for him and he drops down to the floor with a painful plop. “O-ow!…”, the boy remarks having fallen so quickly. “N-not like that!”, the teen shouts, afraid Killian got hurt but the boy was fine. The assistant coach quickly showed Killian pointers and have him notes on which workout equipment he should work on, how much he should do and for how long to maximize his efforts. The first day left the boy completely exhausted but he spent the full day working towards Killian's dream but nevertheless it was something worth working towards for the boy and for the assistant coach it was an opportunity to prove that old geezer what for as well. Killian was dropped off at his home where the two waved goodbye to each other and he gave Killian a notebook of notes for his training regimen: “I will meet you by the end of the week to see your progress since I can't be there but I hope you stick to it for your dream!”
After the two separated that night came the next morning and Killian woke up feeling a bit sore and in his pajama’s. He remembered what the teen said that night and checked the binder for his work out regime before catching himself in the mirror. “W-wooah….”, Killian couldn't believe his eyes as his scrawny self-filled out a bit. Nothing to turn heads at for sure but he saw that there was a bit of fitness and tonnage to his body now that wasn't there yesterday. “I-it works…”, Killian said in shock flexing his small bicep, bigger than the pea it was but still pencil thin at best. He smiles at his gains as he gets ready to work out again that day, his father having just cooked breakfast have a short chat before the boy is already raring to go and leaving paying close attention to the regiment as he works out heartily that day as well. Followed by walking home surprised after how tired he gotten he recovered quite quickly, even dashing through the door being ready for dinner. His father was surprised as he returned but nonetheless had dinner on the table and the two chatted after that but the father was beginning to notice how much stronger Killian was looking and even gave him a slight compliment. Killian flexing his father showing off his small gains not being impressed but he was already at a stage where it was noticeable but clothes still loose. “Ehh... not yet...”, Killian said not feeling like he’s there just yet. His father blinking in surprise but nodded encouraging his son to keep going. As the boy rests for the night, the next morning brought his gains to fruition.
He smiles flexing his small ball-sized biceps and lite pecs. Small yet noticeable compared to yesterday with a nice 4-pack on his stomach. Legs looking quite stronger too as well with the slight hints of his bulge getting bigger underneath his boxers. He smiles: “Just you wait coach... I’ll make you proud!...”, Killian smiles, finding his normal workout clothes have gotten tighter he shrugs it off as proof of his efforts and does his usual routine. His father was surprised by his sons growth overnight this time, dropping his spoon but proceeding to not bring it up as he watches his son eat a lot. “Energy for the workout today.”, Killian says as he gets ready to take off. Another harsh workout ensued and he found that the weights didn't match up half way. Sending a message to the assistant coach asking if the weights were to light but the coach just sent back a message saying 'if they are to light than double the number so that they match up'. Killian did so and found the newfound weights more worth his effort as he continued his exercises all around for the full day.
Once again he gained some fitness as his pec’s jutted out even further after the workout. Biceps like baseballs by now round and supple with now a full-on 6-pack to boot. His shirt laid skin tight on him as it showed every muscle, some gym goers giving the boy a double take for being here for only two days and already looking this good. His legs were supple and rippled with muscle as his calves rounded out with the little added bonus of his bulge getting a bit bigger too. He smiles as he heads home once more and sees his dad surprised once more but waves it off as saying he’s only at the halfway point of his training. His dad nearly fainted at the prospect but nonetheless still gave his son his encouragement, wondering how big he’ll get next morning.
He woke up in the shreds of his clothing, as his biceps peaked into softball sized, his pecs jutting out enough to cover his vision and down below being the powerful slabs of meat and muscle they were. Not wanting to miss out on what was down below he looked at himself in the mirror to see he had a stunning 8-pack by now. Only thing left was his boxers that still covered his growing bulge the size of a small gourd packed in such a tight arrangement. Lower still came his powerful legs, like sculpted rock and pillars holding him up with his calves just beneath. “Haha yeah!!!”, Killian says with a flex before he begins to strut downstairs. His father shocked to see the answer to his question walking in. Powerfully and more playfully confident, Killian’s father stunned to awed silence just stared at his pride and joy as he happily at breakfast. “Hey dad I might need new clothes to go to the gym...”, Killian said snapping his father out of his stupor. “O-oh um… yeah I think I have something in the basement for that… Why don't you take a pair of my clothes till I find them?...“, Killian’s father offered as the boy left to go grab the garments and left to work out once more. Doubling the weights again for his powerful muscles needed that raw push before finishing up another hard day of gains.
It came time for the boy to be visited by the assistant coach and oh was he in for a treat, stopping by Killian’s house first he was surprised to see his father a bit rattled. “O-oh… you came to see my boy did you… well actually he’s um... at the gym?”, Killian’s father said with a shuttering voice. The teen looked with raised eyebrows confused but nonetheless he drove to the gym, going back to the spot where he can hear the most of the equipment moving and churning up and down.
There he is taken by surprise to see Killian muscles so big, he put the bodybuilders around him to shame. “Oh hey coach... came to see how much I can do now?”, Killian said with a smile holding the barbel with one hand. Bicep is so big he could lick it just by lifting up his arms, doing so at the moment as he licked off a bead of sweat dripping off it. Pec’s so massive they were like slabs of muscle on his chest blocking his magnificent 10-pack of abs down below. Legs like the concrete columns of muscle powerful enough to kick through pure stone, and not to mention that large gourd to stick out the front was his dick packed in his underwear. Which is to say it was all he was wearing while he was in fact working out in that time frame as he still smiled at his coach eagerly. Flexing his massive biceps at him, the assistant coach stood stunned thinking he wouldn't get this strong this soon. It was almost an impossibility but this led to him having a nice little revelation.
He was ready: “Hey Killian, you should go to practice tomorrow and show the team, I think you're ready!?”, the assistant coach said with a smile. Patting the boy on the bicep and getting near enraptured at the feel of his thick muscles, Killian smiling “Really?!?! Is this enough?”, Killian says with a smile eager to prove himself. “Y-yeah... I think you're good enough where you’re at.”, the assistant coach says with a smile as the two leave the gym.
In comes the next day of practice and all throughout the field the sounds of the team pitching to each other, running bases, and batting. The main coach looked to his teen son, “Ahh your here, how goes your progress with your little training project...?”, the coach said with a bit of a joking tone as if laughing at the assistant's work. However the teen didn't let it get to him, smiling he looked his father square in the eye: “Oh why don't you see for yourself… Killian... you’re up to bat!”, he shouted out loud towards the bleachers. Some of the boys practicing turned to see the boy rounding the corner muscles bulging and he looked happy as he jogged up to the field in nothing more than his underwear because his uniform no longer fit him. The assistant coach turned to see his father slack jawed in awe. The sounds of dropped balls and one boy getting hit by a fly ball as all eyes were on Killian this day. He smiled proudly: “I'm ready for batting practice coach!!!”, Killian shouts eager with fire in his eyes and the assistant coach points towards were the batter stands. Some of the boys moving out of the way quickly, as to not be within striking distance. The assistant coach walks over to the pitching boy to scared to throw the ball and takes his catcher’s mitt from him.

“Why don't you go stand at the sidelines for a bit?”, he tells him and the boy rushes over to the side. “All right, this is for you to be the ace of the team, give it your best shot!”, the assistant coach tells Killian eager to see what all that muscle can do. With a gentle toss of the ball easy enough for anyone on the team to hit it, the response was the sound of thunder on this clear sunny day. Everyone quickly ducked and looked to the sky before hearing the sound of dented metal and straining electronics. Turning to see the scoreboard took the hit of the ball and was all around malfunctioning. “Did I make the team coach?”, Killian’s asks with innocent eyes. The coach looked to Killian, then to his son and back and forth between the two. He was stunned and flabbergasted, he had no words before patting the boy on the shoulder. “Y-you just might be our new ace just… give me a moment...”, The coach said as he needed to take a seat after such a hefty revelation.
Killian grabs the assistant coach into a hug that made some of the kids jump but he saw that he was hugging the assistant coach in a manner that didn't hurt him. In fact it was almost a like a pillow of soft muscle in this moment as he pulled the assistant coach away and said to him. “Thanks to you I’m now actually on the team!!! Come on let's practice the day away!”, Killian said as he rushed to the field to really perfect his baseball skills. The other boys looking between themselves and at him, taking to the field as well to continue on their practice for the next few minutes before it ended soon after. After a few practice pitches the boys warmed up to Killian before it was time for them to leave.
“Hey why don't we hit the showers, I’ll take you home today anyways.”, the assistant coach told Killian who smiled and nodded in agreement. Sweat dripped down his body as he smiled happily, so content at a job well done. The locker room nearby was well kept by the school that boys went to, looking quite pristine. Killian walked in as he took off his baseball cap and underwear putting in a nearby locker revealing his parts to the assistant coach.
The teens jaw dropped looking at the sheer size of his package soft and the boy just smiled happily. That's when the teen came up with a plan putting in a side reward he’d get in motion. “Hey Killian, come over here, I wanna check out something.”, the assistant coach said as the boy began to saunter over towards the assistant coach. Their eyes met for a moment as Killian smirked again: “What is it coach?”, Killian said with a lot of vigor. “I want you to flex for me for a bit.”, the assistant coach answered and to which Killian obliged starting with a single bicep flex, the teen reaches out to touch Killian’s massively bulging muscles. Killian lets out a hushed gasp in surprise.
“Mmm yes, very firm and strong.”, the teen spoke as he felt up the whole round of the bicep and up to the forearm, rubbing and squeezing to massage the muscle, only on the surface for his intentions were more devious towards the boy as he began to worship those broad muscles. “Oh... ooh... that feels kinda good, sir.”, Killian says as he smiles. “Well a good massage after a hard days work is always good for the body!”, the assistant coach adds, he nods making Killian lift up the other bicep and with both arms raised the teen takes a moment to feel both sides equally. Killian begins getting a bit into it, flexing his biceps and unflexing them letting that muscular peak rise and fall in quick succession, chuckling as he does. “Firm, very firm... my regiment worked wonders on your body and we’ll keep at it too so, you can stay like this for the season or better yet get bigger!”, the assistant coach spoke smiling as he felt the ripple of his other forearm before moving close into the Killian’s shoulders. Feeling up the traps that bulged from both sides of his neck causing the boy to let out a satisfied groan. “With the bonus of this massage to cause some… exponential growth.”, the teen added. His hands sliding down to his bulging pecs, standing out like muscular cinderblocks on his chest. Firm to the touch yet nicely squishable with his pecs unflexed. Killian popped each one pec, one after another, causing the teen to feel the tensity and raw power, each one held individually as one grew hard as stone before the other. Killian lets out a satisfied moan, an arousing sound to enthralling to hear, as the teens pants twitch with his softie getting slightly hard, Killian’s moan also caused some visible activity down below.
The teen noticed as he watched Killian’s hard on begin to throb awake bit by bit, “O-ooh… that feels good for some reason...”, Killian says, arm behind his head flexing his bicep unintentionally. The teen smiles as his hand grazes down each of his rows of abs before touching his cock at the base, playing along with his little massage cover: “Ahh, looks like one part of you got really tense, tends to happen so I guess I will have to help out.”, the teen answers mischievously as his plan comes to fruition even more. He finds great satisfaction in grabbing his over a foot long shaft, thicker than the teens own hands so he couldn't wrap his clambering digits around the meaty dick with just one hand. “Ahh wow...”, the teen spoke in hushed amazement before taking his eyes off Killian’s cock to see him panting in delight.
“W-why do I feel… real good this time?…”, Killian asks his body quivering in euphoric delight. “It's just because you’re so tense, very tense since it must be your first time.”, the teen white lies hiding the truth in a sort of egg crumb walk way. Doing his best to not disclose the truth of the situation to the boy, he begins to slide both of his hands against Killian’s shaft. “O-ooh…”, Killian moans, body seized into a natural flex, almost as if he was naturally enticing for more without knowing and the teen was happy to oblige. His fingers dancing even up to Killian’s cock head. Feeling the pre-cum beginning to leak from the cock head as his massive balls begin to churn out and get ready to shoot his seed. “How am I doing, does my massage feel… satisfying...?”, the teen teases to Killian the boy unable to speak but frantically nods. Hungrily wanting more of this rising feeling in his cock as he begins to moan louder and louder. The teens pumps on Killian’s cock get faster and his massive shaft throbs more and more, harder and harder as the boy gets closer and closer to his brink. Cum churning in his grapefruit sized balls as they get ready to fire his climax. Muscles tensing, bulging even as he flexes more and more, cock twitching as pre-cum drips onto the locker room floor. His seed even seeping onto the fingers of the teen, acting as a lubricant so he can pump faster and faster. Harder and harder yet still it brought the boy closer and closer to that edge limit. Killian was moaning loudly at this point, body bucking and shivering with delight till he moans loudly.
“S-something… is…coming...!”, He shouts loudly as his seed bursts from the tip of his cock. Cum spewing all between the two as Killian shoots load after load of cum before it only drips out from the tip. Killian panting heavily smiling widely as he looks back at the teen: “W-wow... that massage felt amazing!...”, Killian manages to get out as sweat drips out all over him. His body exasperated from such a massive load. “Yeah… now time for a shower… think of that part of the massage as a job well done...”, the assistant coach teases as he uses his shirt to wipe the cum that got onto his face.
“Now time for a quick shower and then we can… meet up at next practice!", the assistant coach spoke. Leading the boy up into the shower: “Maybe... even more massaging while we both shower though and then we can plan for the practice next week.”, the teen says leading the excited cum covered boy over to the showers for a cleanup and another worship session, or more...
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