A Dorky's second coming
Story by Arubazu, enjoy!
It’s a continuation of this Storyline:
It was just the afternoon with the summer sun rising high above the household, two brothers were in the kitchen with one cooking a mighty feast for his younger sibling. He looks over his shoulder gazing at the grimacing younger boy as he rubbed his stomach or suffice to say abs. His more youthful bro, nicknamed Dorky, had a bit of a boost in his musculature a month ago due to his older brother's attempts at getting him stronger. He was quite the talk of the town for being so young but so buff and even got all his friends to stop teasing him for being easily hurt. Now the middle of the friend circle and the impromptu new leader of the group.
Even now the boy was still quite big with his 8-pack abs being rubbed with his hand with a grumbling belly. His old clothes didn't fit him but now his new wardrobe did but at the same time still showed off his nice pecs and traps, his broad shoulders and pumped-up biceps just from his simple motions would put most bodybuilders to shame. His cargo pants covered his powerful legs too as he kicked them in gently against the seat that was specifically made for him now. A lot of things in the household changed due to little Dorky’s growth but luckily the brothers weren't chided too hard by their parents, however, he was doing one of the tasks his parents assigned to him for causing this mess which was feeding the little beast.
“Is it done yet…?”, the boy groans as he looked faint, a surprising situation for someone as durable as he, but if there could be one thing that could claim him it was hunger. The little Dork got it bad as his stomach grumbles loudly in the room.
“No... not yet...”, his older brother grumbles as he continues to rustle the skillet for the grilled sandwich he was cooking for his brother, or it should be said the 4th one packed with the last of the lunch meat and cheese. The older brother was finding himself a bit agitated that for some reason his little bro was hungrier than usual. Usually it only took two sandwiches, but now he was begging for more.
As the older brother finishes, he grabs a plate and a spatula, then slides the grilled sandwich off the skillet onto the plate. Turning around to serve the meal with his 5th helping of carrot sticks. The boy smiles as he happily chows down and glimmers in a joyful smile. The food was almost devoured, like a mini human vacuum, before the muscle boy patted his stomach in glee, letting out a soft burp afterward and a gentle sigh of relief. “Ahh… that’s good…”, Dorky said as he smiles his braces-filled smile at his brother. However, that relief is once again short-lived, as a resounding grumble is heard once again, followed by the sad groan of his brother. “Still… hungry…”, Dorky pouted sounding almost defeated.
The older brother fumes at the seams as he has done everything he could to feed this little monster he made by accident or purpose, because he was enjoying the experience of having a buff little bro. Nonetheless, this was not making the experience much fun though as he ponders what he could do with a finger tapping his forehead. An idea came to the forefront of his mind. “Fine if my cooking isn't doing it then we are going somewhere else... Go to my car.”, the older brother stated pointing out front for the muscle boy to go out. The older brother getting dressed, so they can take their food wanting needs elsewhere.
It was a short drive a few blocks down, the playful stare of his brother curious as to where they were headed, as well as the few tummy grumbles, that filled the older brother’s car. Coerced the older one to drive a bit faster, but safe, leading them to their nearest fast food joint. The older brother parked and got out of the car followed by the younger brother who, with some stumbling, gently left the car as the two head inside, surrounded by other customers who were generally going about their business.
Some turn to see the two brothers, Dorky occasionally giving an innocent playful wave at onlookers, as a few people were attracted to his muscular body. Most if not all the people in their local town had gotten used to seeing such a buff boy but it was still a treat to gawk at all those muscles. As the duo moves forward in line the clerk takes their order, the older brother just taking himself a drink and a small salad while the little hunk orders himself 2 burgers and 2 large fries.
As the two take a seat, the older brother watches as the little guy continues to dig in as fast as he ate the sandwiches, the older bro cooks, with a grimace of dismay, as he watches onward as he stuffs his face easily. The younger brother looks up to him and wordlessly the message is conveyed… causing the older brother to sigh: “Dorky… at least I hope you're tasting your food…”, the older bro remarks, as he digs into his pocket to dig out his credit card before handing it to the hungry boy. Dorky gets up in excitement, “Mhm it was good… but I’m still hungry!!!”, he excitably shouts, as he moves out from the little booth they sat at.
After a short wait and Dorky returned with two times the food he had before, causing a dismayed sigh from his older brother. “Duuuuude…”, the older brother chides, the boy part of him is worried for his brother's safety and another part of him is worried about the cost. As Dorky was already down 2 of the 4 burgers from the new set and all the fries vanished, he looks up from his meal to look at his brother: “I’m starting to feel filled up now.”, Dorky announced with a bright smile, much to his brother's chagrin and barely budging his mood. “You know if you eat that much… you might end up fat…”, The older brother joked, as he pointed his fork at his younger brother before digging more into his salad. As he gazes up he feels as though something is different in his brother, that is until Dorky gets up to get some more food. The older brother attempted to stop him before getting more but no dice as the young boy was already ordering more and returning with another platter of food that he devoured again. This time however the older brother was eyeing his sibling intently, gazing firmly to attempt to take notice of the reason why he felt something was off in Dorky.
As Dorky finishes his latest set of food, the older brother finally realizes as he notices the sleeves on his brother's t-shirt were slightly ripping. ‘Wait… is he getting bigger… again…?’, the older bro thinks to himself, as he sees the sleeve fraying more and more. As Dorky finishes his last bite his brother can see the sleeves popping open and fraying confirming his suspicions.
“H-hey bro… are you growing again…?”, the older brother asks worriedly. The younger brother pauses as he flexes his arm, noticing the bicep extends a bit more than it did before fraying his shirt sleeve down the shoulder as it loudly pops, his biceps like a big bowling ball of muscle as it begins to swell and surge larger and with that one flex begins a catalyst throughout his body. The younger boy smiles, noticing his shoulders broaden as his biceps on both arms, while in flex pulse larger than bowling balls. His shirt sleeves pop as he smiles and shows off their new size to his brother: “Yeah guess I am… no wonder I feel so good now!!!”, the younger brother excitably states with a light chuckle.

Soon too his pecs begin to bulge out more and more as those stone slabs of muscles grew to like massive cinderblocks of chest muscles. Casting a good bit of a shadow on the table the two brothers were sat at. “Oooh… yeah this feels great…”, the younger brother joyfully feels up his hard pecs as soon his massive lats widen as well. His shirt tears more and more leaving the older brother stunned, watching the slow reveal as his newfound 10-pack was on display, with such a deep crevice of muscle that ran through his stomach of 10 powerful orbs. The older brother couldn't help but want to run a finger through those deep cascades, the boy's shirt flutters off his chest right next to him as he continues to flex his top half. All the while a flush of blushing embarrassment that such a thing was happening in a public place, lucky for the both of them no one had taken notice, however there was a bit of desire in him just like last time to feel up those massive muscles.
The older brother was thoroughly enjoying the show, watching his brother bulk up again and this time in person compared to seeing the results the next day, like last time. Soon however the moment is broken by the sound of a thump, the older brother tilts his head down to look realizing now his younger brother's legs were bulking up way bigger than before. From the size of steel girders, they were this morning to thick oak trees raveled in thick muscles with that pushed his legs apart as they got wider and wider. His pants soon ripped off leaving the boy in just a pair of blue briefs that caught a massive blush from his brother.
“Haha… this still feels amazing…”, the young brother delighted as he kept on flexing, lifting the table as he lifted the bolted decoration as small cracks and pops from the removed furniture. His brother panicked as he was lifted with it before being gently set down.
“W-we… should probably go…”, the older brother worriedly stated as he looked towards his car before turning to see his brother get up, “Nah… I want one more burger… for good measure.”, Dorky said as he powerfully and playfully began to strut forward. Unashamed with the fact he was in just a tight pair of underwear and sneakers now.
“W-wait!!”, the older brother called out, before realizing a lot of eyes were on him and his brother. The little Hercules or Hulk, whichever could be more fitting for his size, now that he dwarfed all bodybuilders, especially for his age, turned around to look at his brother with curiosity in his eyes.
“What is it?”, the younger brother asked innocently and curiously, “We should probably go home rather than hang around here, people are starting to watch…”, the older brother says bashfully at the last part as the group of customers in the store stared awestruck.
However, Dorky wasn't dismayed, staring happily at his brother with a grin: “Ahh… let them stare, and they can see the gun show!”, the boy remarked confidently as he flexed his massive, now beachball-sized bicep to his older brother. Looking up at the older of the two with great delight as flexed both biceps in front of him, causing the older teen to blush a good bit. His eye’s wanted to look away but locked onto his brother's physique as the boy moves to flex his pecs, popping one after the other and then squeezing them together with the flex alone, to make them pop more. Such powerful cinderblock of muscles just radiated energy in front of the older brother, that he was struggling to keep his arm down as it tried to touch them.
Some people even took out their phones to take a couple of pictures of the massive flexing boy, and Dorky delighted in it, mostly due to the fact he loved seeing his brother enraptured in his muscles. The young boy chuckles gleefully smiling at his brother as he puts both knuckles at his waist and flexes again, making both chest, bicep, and legs pump full of energy.
The older brother simply found himself getting weak at the knees as they wobbled in excitement and desire to just rush into those muscly pillows, however, the older brother's resolve was stronger than the flexes his brother was doing to coerce him into giving him that extra sandwich. No… he will not back down, even as little Dorky was flexing back and butt at his brother to show off how that area didn't even get left behind in his newfound growth. Stunned and paralyzed for a moment the older brother had to slap himself to snap out of it, he grabs the boy's ear and gives it a light squeeze. “N-no… we’re going home! Shows over!!!”, the older brother exclaims as the little Hulk is forced to tumble away in slight playful pain as he gets dragged into his brother's car.
The two in the side seat, embarrassment and another emotion dancing in the older brother's head as he holds his head in his hands. Sighing deeply as his younger brother simply smiles in the other seat, “Soo… do you like my new body?”, young Dorky asks curiously and teasingly. Leaning close to his brother with a playful smirk before showing his bigger bicep to his brother. The older brother looks out the window to see if anyone is looking before touching that massive mound of muscle and gleefully smiling to himself.
“Hehe... it's the best…”, the older brother admits, delighting at the opportunity to feel up his brother's muscles in private, before realizing he needs to drive the duo away. Letting out a throat-clearing cough before turning to his steering wheel and turning on the vehicle. “We’ll save the rest for later…”, he states, pointing at his younger brother who is still delighting in feeling up his newfound muscles. “Sure.. can't wait for the fun then!”, the little Hulk says in glee.
It’s a continuation of this Storyline:
It was just the afternoon with the summer sun rising high above the household, two brothers were in the kitchen with one cooking a mighty feast for his younger sibling. He looks over his shoulder gazing at the grimacing younger boy as he rubbed his stomach or suffice to say abs. His more youthful bro, nicknamed Dorky, had a bit of a boost in his musculature a month ago due to his older brother's attempts at getting him stronger. He was quite the talk of the town for being so young but so buff and even got all his friends to stop teasing him for being easily hurt. Now the middle of the friend circle and the impromptu new leader of the group.
Even now the boy was still quite big with his 8-pack abs being rubbed with his hand with a grumbling belly. His old clothes didn't fit him but now his new wardrobe did but at the same time still showed off his nice pecs and traps, his broad shoulders and pumped-up biceps just from his simple motions would put most bodybuilders to shame. His cargo pants covered his powerful legs too as he kicked them in gently against the seat that was specifically made for him now. A lot of things in the household changed due to little Dorky’s growth but luckily the brothers weren't chided too hard by their parents, however, he was doing one of the tasks his parents assigned to him for causing this mess which was feeding the little beast.
“Is it done yet…?”, the boy groans as he looked faint, a surprising situation for someone as durable as he, but if there could be one thing that could claim him it was hunger. The little Dork got it bad as his stomach grumbles loudly in the room.
“No... not yet...”, his older brother grumbles as he continues to rustle the skillet for the grilled sandwich he was cooking for his brother, or it should be said the 4th one packed with the last of the lunch meat and cheese. The older brother was finding himself a bit agitated that for some reason his little bro was hungrier than usual. Usually it only took two sandwiches, but now he was begging for more.
As the older brother finishes, he grabs a plate and a spatula, then slides the grilled sandwich off the skillet onto the plate. Turning around to serve the meal with his 5th helping of carrot sticks. The boy smiles as he happily chows down and glimmers in a joyful smile. The food was almost devoured, like a mini human vacuum, before the muscle boy patted his stomach in glee, letting out a soft burp afterward and a gentle sigh of relief. “Ahh… that’s good…”, Dorky said as he smiles his braces-filled smile at his brother. However, that relief is once again short-lived, as a resounding grumble is heard once again, followed by the sad groan of his brother. “Still… hungry…”, Dorky pouted sounding almost defeated.
The older brother fumes at the seams as he has done everything he could to feed this little monster he made by accident or purpose, because he was enjoying the experience of having a buff little bro. Nonetheless, this was not making the experience much fun though as he ponders what he could do with a finger tapping his forehead. An idea came to the forefront of his mind. “Fine if my cooking isn't doing it then we are going somewhere else... Go to my car.”, the older brother stated pointing out front for the muscle boy to go out. The older brother getting dressed, so they can take their food wanting needs elsewhere.
It was a short drive a few blocks down, the playful stare of his brother curious as to where they were headed, as well as the few tummy grumbles, that filled the older brother’s car. Coerced the older one to drive a bit faster, but safe, leading them to their nearest fast food joint. The older brother parked and got out of the car followed by the younger brother who, with some stumbling, gently left the car as the two head inside, surrounded by other customers who were generally going about their business.
Some turn to see the two brothers, Dorky occasionally giving an innocent playful wave at onlookers, as a few people were attracted to his muscular body. Most if not all the people in their local town had gotten used to seeing such a buff boy but it was still a treat to gawk at all those muscles. As the duo moves forward in line the clerk takes their order, the older brother just taking himself a drink and a small salad while the little hunk orders himself 2 burgers and 2 large fries.
As the two take a seat, the older brother watches as the little guy continues to dig in as fast as he ate the sandwiches, the older bro cooks, with a grimace of dismay, as he watches onward as he stuffs his face easily. The younger brother looks up to him and wordlessly the message is conveyed… causing the older brother to sigh: “Dorky… at least I hope you're tasting your food…”, the older bro remarks, as he digs into his pocket to dig out his credit card before handing it to the hungry boy. Dorky gets up in excitement, “Mhm it was good… but I’m still hungry!!!”, he excitably shouts, as he moves out from the little booth they sat at.
After a short wait and Dorky returned with two times the food he had before, causing a dismayed sigh from his older brother. “Duuuuude…”, the older brother chides, the boy part of him is worried for his brother's safety and another part of him is worried about the cost. As Dorky was already down 2 of the 4 burgers from the new set and all the fries vanished, he looks up from his meal to look at his brother: “I’m starting to feel filled up now.”, Dorky announced with a bright smile, much to his brother's chagrin and barely budging his mood. “You know if you eat that much… you might end up fat…”, The older brother joked, as he pointed his fork at his younger brother before digging more into his salad. As he gazes up he feels as though something is different in his brother, that is until Dorky gets up to get some more food. The older brother attempted to stop him before getting more but no dice as the young boy was already ordering more and returning with another platter of food that he devoured again. This time however the older brother was eyeing his sibling intently, gazing firmly to attempt to take notice of the reason why he felt something was off in Dorky.
As Dorky finishes his latest set of food, the older brother finally realizes as he notices the sleeves on his brother's t-shirt were slightly ripping. ‘Wait… is he getting bigger… again…?’, the older bro thinks to himself, as he sees the sleeve fraying more and more. As Dorky finishes his last bite his brother can see the sleeves popping open and fraying confirming his suspicions.
“H-hey bro… are you growing again…?”, the older brother asks worriedly. The younger brother pauses as he flexes his arm, noticing the bicep extends a bit more than it did before fraying his shirt sleeve down the shoulder as it loudly pops, his biceps like a big bowling ball of muscle as it begins to swell and surge larger and with that one flex begins a catalyst throughout his body. The younger boy smiles, noticing his shoulders broaden as his biceps on both arms, while in flex pulse larger than bowling balls. His shirt sleeves pop as he smiles and shows off their new size to his brother: “Yeah guess I am… no wonder I feel so good now!!!”, the younger brother excitably states with a light chuckle.

Soon too his pecs begin to bulge out more and more as those stone slabs of muscles grew to like massive cinderblocks of chest muscles. Casting a good bit of a shadow on the table the two brothers were sat at. “Oooh… yeah this feels great…”, the younger brother joyfully feels up his hard pecs as soon his massive lats widen as well. His shirt tears more and more leaving the older brother stunned, watching the slow reveal as his newfound 10-pack was on display, with such a deep crevice of muscle that ran through his stomach of 10 powerful orbs. The older brother couldn't help but want to run a finger through those deep cascades, the boy's shirt flutters off his chest right next to him as he continues to flex his top half. All the while a flush of blushing embarrassment that such a thing was happening in a public place, lucky for the both of them no one had taken notice, however there was a bit of desire in him just like last time to feel up those massive muscles.
The older brother was thoroughly enjoying the show, watching his brother bulk up again and this time in person compared to seeing the results the next day, like last time. Soon however the moment is broken by the sound of a thump, the older brother tilts his head down to look realizing now his younger brother's legs were bulking up way bigger than before. From the size of steel girders, they were this morning to thick oak trees raveled in thick muscles with that pushed his legs apart as they got wider and wider. His pants soon ripped off leaving the boy in just a pair of blue briefs that caught a massive blush from his brother.
“Haha… this still feels amazing…”, the young brother delighted as he kept on flexing, lifting the table as he lifted the bolted decoration as small cracks and pops from the removed furniture. His brother panicked as he was lifted with it before being gently set down.
“W-we… should probably go…”, the older brother worriedly stated as he looked towards his car before turning to see his brother get up, “Nah… I want one more burger… for good measure.”, Dorky said as he powerfully and playfully began to strut forward. Unashamed with the fact he was in just a tight pair of underwear and sneakers now.
“W-wait!!”, the older brother called out, before realizing a lot of eyes were on him and his brother. The little Hercules or Hulk, whichever could be more fitting for his size, now that he dwarfed all bodybuilders, especially for his age, turned around to look at his brother with curiosity in his eyes.
“What is it?”, the younger brother asked innocently and curiously, “We should probably go home rather than hang around here, people are starting to watch…”, the older brother says bashfully at the last part as the group of customers in the store stared awestruck.
However, Dorky wasn't dismayed, staring happily at his brother with a grin: “Ahh… let them stare, and they can see the gun show!”, the boy remarked confidently as he flexed his massive, now beachball-sized bicep to his older brother. Looking up at the older of the two with great delight as flexed both biceps in front of him, causing the older teen to blush a good bit. His eye’s wanted to look away but locked onto his brother's physique as the boy moves to flex his pecs, popping one after the other and then squeezing them together with the flex alone, to make them pop more. Such powerful cinderblock of muscles just radiated energy in front of the older brother, that he was struggling to keep his arm down as it tried to touch them.
Some people even took out their phones to take a couple of pictures of the massive flexing boy, and Dorky delighted in it, mostly due to the fact he loved seeing his brother enraptured in his muscles. The young boy chuckles gleefully smiling at his brother as he puts both knuckles at his waist and flexes again, making both chest, bicep, and legs pump full of energy.
The older brother simply found himself getting weak at the knees as they wobbled in excitement and desire to just rush into those muscly pillows, however, the older brother's resolve was stronger than the flexes his brother was doing to coerce him into giving him that extra sandwich. No… he will not back down, even as little Dorky was flexing back and butt at his brother to show off how that area didn't even get left behind in his newfound growth. Stunned and paralyzed for a moment the older brother had to slap himself to snap out of it, he grabs the boy's ear and gives it a light squeeze. “N-no… we’re going home! Shows over!!!”, the older brother exclaims as the little Hulk is forced to tumble away in slight playful pain as he gets dragged into his brother's car.
The two in the side seat, embarrassment and another emotion dancing in the older brother's head as he holds his head in his hands. Sighing deeply as his younger brother simply smiles in the other seat, “Soo… do you like my new body?”, young Dorky asks curiously and teasingly. Leaning close to his brother with a playful smirk before showing his bigger bicep to his brother. The older brother looks out the window to see if anyone is looking before touching that massive mound of muscle and gleefully smiling to himself.
“Hehe... it's the best…”, the older brother admits, delighting at the opportunity to feel up his brother's muscles in private, before realizing he needs to drive the duo away. Letting out a throat-clearing cough before turning to his steering wheel and turning on the vehicle. “We’ll save the rest for later…”, he states, pointing at his younger brother who is still delighting in feeling up his newfound muscles. “Sure.. can't wait for the fun then!”, the little Hulk says in glee.
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